Personal Projects
I am always looking for ideas that I can use in my day to day life. Most of my personal projects involve this in some way, making small daily tasks easier and more enjoyable.

Personal Dashboard
  • A website that displays my personal tasks and health numbers for the day, reminding me when there are things that need to be done.
  • NodeJS backend using firebase as well as google calendar integration.
  • React frontend, it was my first project in React and taught me about useState and useEffect.
Food for Me
  • A web app that handles day to day food management.
  • AngularJS to build a frontend to manage and record the contents of my pantry and fridge.
  • A recipe book with an interface that assists in deciding on dinner using a tournament style process.
Led Interface
  • A basic Led Controller that uses a Raspberry Pi to respond to HTTP requests
  • Uses NodeJS to host a basic server off the Raspberry Pi
  • Simple electronic circuit responds to outputs from the Raspberry Pi and converts them with MOSFETs
Recipe Book
  • A google sheets page that I use as a recipe book
  • Uses google scripts to automatically combine and list the ingredients I'll need for the days meals
World Of Blocks
  • A game designed in Unity for IOS
  • Written in almost entirely C# it's designed in a similar fashion to Angry Birds
  • Players progress through the levels and over time new mechanics get introduced
Overwatch Webscraper
  • A simple webscraper that takes the link to a Team in our tournament website, and builds a summary sheet
  • Written entirely in Google Scripts, the program first scrapes the tournament website for the opponents players, and then queries a database for information about the players
Linux Shell, Database, and Filesystem
  • Through a class on computer systems, built a linux shell, a multithreaded database, and a file system
  • The shell supported I/O redirection and pipes, as well as sequential, conditional, and background command execution
  • The key point of the database is that we wrote our own data protection, ensuring continuity using locks
  • The file system was a basic recreation of the linux file system, mapping data blobs to file names and paths